
Almost all companies promise to deliver quality. But you won’t know whether they can live up to expectations until your product has been delivered. We pay a lot of attention to our quality in order to be able to keep our promises. Our quality assurance is based on:

• Conditioned measuring room with 3D measuring equipment and more
• Training and knowledge of our employees
• Quality system in accordance with ISO 9001 criteria


We have a conditioned measuring room with, among others, 3D measuring equipment.

Lean Manufacturing

Another great English concept. Or, as we in Brabant call it, use your common sense. Doing more with less!
Prevent waste, reduce the number of rejects and create optimal flow.
Because of backward planning, products do not arrive in the workshop until we can finish them in one go.

Smart Industry

Swiftness and flexibility are core concepts of Smart Industry, whether it concerns greatly fluctuating customer demand, increasing flexibility, shorter lifecycles, a lot of innovations or revisions, or a rapid succession of new developments. It all requires effective plant management.

Other technologies

The knowledge to stay involved where others stop


We have a separate clean hall of over 400 m2 for mechanical assembly of all your products.

Other machining processes

In addition to the above-mentioned machining processes, we also have equipment for spot welding, sawing, drilling, tapping, countersinking and radial riveting.

Laser cutting & Punching

Everything starts at the basis: precision laser cutting and/or punching various sheet blanks.


Should your product be hand-friendly? We have a TimeSaver 42 RB Range and a combination of Walther Trowal automatic rolling barrels and drying machines for deburring and rounding.

Are you ready to join us?