Interview with Michiel Mulder & Geert Jan van der Heijde, Tripod Mobility
The collaboration with Tripod Mobility goes back about 30 years, when we delivered parts for ramps. “Tripod has been adapting cars since 1980 to make them wheelchair accessible,” says Geert Jan.
“The product range has expanded considerably over the years. For example, we’re now also making adapted fuel tanks, which are often required to lower modified cars.
In recent years, we’ve experienced good growth together. COVID-19, which has caused many problems within the automotive industry, and the developments around new models of cars caused a small dip in 2020.
But Tripod is at the beginning of great new developments,” says Geert Jan. The further electrification of vehicles (increasingly prescribed by government tenders) is resulting in new models and this ultimately leads to more demand. “By responding quickly with various car manufacturers and lobbying as an industry at the European level, we try to gain as much clarity as quickly as possible with regard to the consequences that new designs have for us as a car modifier. Our engineering department can then get to work on this.”
Effective communication
“Unfortunately, these developments mean that ultimately no modified fuel tanks will be needed any longer, but we’ll always need parts to modify our cars. In addition, it’s very helpful that in Driessen we have a supplier who can provide input flexibly by means of planning lists and logistics advantages in order to optimise our collaboration,” says Michiel.
“Nothing annoys me more than a company where communication is not well organised; but how Driessen approaches and handles things can serve as an example to many,” he adds.
“All in all a solid 8,” concludes Geert Jan. “You already have a high rating in terms of performance on delivery time and quality, so what more could we wish for?”
Well, there’s always something to be desired. Our hope for the future is sheet metal battery boxes! But thank you for the nice words and the long and fruitful cooperation.
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